span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit The application works without the Internet /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit God Almighty created man in the best form and the most beautiful form /span span style vertical align: inherit . /span span style vertical align: inherit He also put in his body a huge number of secrets and mysteries that astonish the mind when knowing them, and based on the foregoing, the person was keen to dive into the depths of himself and try to comprehend his composition and everything related to himself, so man assumed full responsibility in searching carefully for the smallest details through circumambulation within the body. And, in turn, we will present to you in this application scientific facts about the human being that may be the first time to fall on your ears, and from these topics about the secrets of the human body: /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit First, you will find the two topics: general a href daikin service apk for android/ information /a about the human body, and how the human body decomposes after death, then the topic of the benefits of hair in the human body, followed by the oddities of the human body, and 30 facts and quick information about the human body. /span span style vertical align: inherit Also, among the topics on the immunity of the human body, dear reader, you will find: ways to strengthen immunity in the body, and symptoms of immunodeficiency in the human body. /span span style vertical align: inherit In addition to these topics, you will find in our application other scientific facts related to the human body, health care and medicine. /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Topics added in recent challenges: /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Where is the liver located in the human body The /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit amount of blood in the human /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit body Components of the human body /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Where is the heart located in the human body /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Where is the spleen located in the human body /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Alternative medicine The /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit benefits of fish to the human body /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit The best types of diet The /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit types of blood in the human body /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit What is the smallest muscle In the human body /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit How does the human brain work /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit How many vertebrae of the spine /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit How to protect the body from viruses /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Types of viruses that infect humans /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit The wonders of God s creation in the human body /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit How do toxins come out of the body /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Herd immunity or community immunity /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit 10 reasons to reject the idea of herd immunity /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Benefits of tonsils in the human body /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Contact information for the Ministry of Health in some Arab countries: For example, the emergency number of the Ministry of Health, and the email of the Ministry of Health, as well Website and address /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit How many glands are there in the human body /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Where is the pancreas located in the human body /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit How does a person see /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit the difference between the mind and the brain /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit The strongest bone in the human body /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit The largest artery in the human body The /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit parts of the brain and the function of each a href royal revolt 2tower defense apk for android/ part /a /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit The number of ribs in the human body /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Components of the nervous system /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit General medical information about the human body /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit The development of the health sector in Saudi Arabia /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Human health in general /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit The stages of studying human medicine /span /span