span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Environment Info Push provides real time environmental information near your location, including: Environmental Protection Agency air quality, ultraviolet rays, township weather, river water quality and sand dust information, and add the Central Meteorological Bureau township a href weather forecast and current weather apk for android/ weather /a , Hao large rain, low temperature special report and earthquake report, soil rock flow warning of the Water Conservation Bureau and flood warning of the Water Resources Department, as well as real time monitoring data of the continuous automatic monitoring facility CEMS of fixed pollution sources of the local environmental protection bureau, to provide you with rich and complete environmental information. /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Environment Messenger also provides the function of locating your administrative area. You can search for the townships you are interested in, and then inquire about local environmental information. /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit The Environmental Messenger APP has launched a personalized service synchronization function. After authorizing the community account verification, multiple devices can synchronize related settings: including common locations, alert settings, quick lists and empty product mood sharing functions. /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Environment Messenger can set personalized air quality and ultraviolet warning notification values through the Alert Setting function. When the hourly monitoring value reaches the threshold you set, the system will actively push a message Note 1 . The notification time is: From 7:00 am to 9:00 pm every day except for the special alarm notification empty product warning, heavy heavy rain, soil rock flow warning of the Water Conservation Bureau and flooding warning of the Water Conservancy Department are provided according to the county and city you are currently in. Your timely and appropriate environmental alert notifications. /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Environmental Messenger APP uses the empty product mood sharing function to upload and share photos on the APP empty product mood map and Facebook dynamic wall, and join the ranks of caring about empty products. /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Environmental Chat only supports Android 4.3 and above, it is recommended to install the latest operating system version, you are welcome to download and use /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit If you have any questions Note 3 and suggestions, please write to us. /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Contact Information: epataiwan /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Note 1: Environment Messenger uses the device ID as a warning notification identification, and does not involve access to personal accounts or call information. /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Note 2: If the mobile device is in Power Saving Mode , background information and GPS access will be restricted. And affect the operation of desktop gadgets. /span span style vertical align: inherit Please try turning off Power Saver Mode or allowing unlimited data transfer in Environment Messenger, so that the gadget can normally provide you with the latest environment information. /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Note 3: You can provide your mobile a href apk for android 34/ device /a model, Android version, a description of the usage situation when an exception occurs, and screenshots. /span /span