Bead 16 is a very famous and most popular game in South East Asia. It is also popular in other parts of the world because it is similar to board games like Chess and checkers. In Sixteen Soldiers Game the player who captures all the other player s pieces 16 pieces wins. Sholo Guti game is very familiar in almost all the parts of our country. It s specifically a very popular boardgame in rural areas. This board game has so much popularity in some areas that sometimes people arrange tournament of this favorite game. Sholo Guti is a game of extreme patient and intelligence. One has to be very tactful and has to move a bead very carefully while playing. Sholo Guti Bead 16 is the free online multiplayer board games to play with friends and family online. Sholo goti game as tigers vs goats game, goat game, 16 bit,Qirkat in middle east, 16 soldiers in sri lanka games,32 godi,Alquerque, goats and tigers game or Sher bakar. Best rural games popular indian game for locals and quite popular game in Bangladesh and east asian countries. Opponent called this game as bhag bakri game because they treated 16 bit as goat and tiger new strategy boardgame 2018 awesome fun game Sixteen Soldiers,Bara Tehn or barah goti game.This game is very familiar in almost all the parts of our country. It s specifically a very popular game in rural areas. This game has so much popularity in some areas that sometimes people arrange tournament of this game. Sholo Guti is a game of extreme patient and intelligence. One has to be very tactful and has to move a bead very carefully while playing. Be got talent smart player of gioco astratto abstract game , strategic plan and play sola gote sixteen bondi as local russian checkers draught game thera Chess family. Top rated game as bangladeshi game Bengali game and islamic game. Two players game is game for intelligent people to make stratigic planning. Player play sweet 16 guti game download game with stones cross over like pawn in chess game and rule as chess tricks. Download sholo guti 16 beads game today have endless hours of fun game.Best abstract game sholo gutti 2 player board game.