Your feedback matters! With Dicerra you can share confidentially and anonymously with a community of other verified health care professionals. There are many challenges faced by health care workers in providing the best possible patient and professional care; yet sharing information on best practices, lessons learned, or novel solutions is often hampered by clumsy internal systems that have not evolved with the digital age. Dicerra solves this problem. By signing up with a valid healthcare email address, your profile will automatically generate a confidential user ID that will preserve your anonymity. Your posts will improve patient outcomes far beyond your hospital or clinic. What\s more, Dicerra meta data analysis of trends in healthcare can provide a better understanding of key areas that require more attention, funding, or training. Your anonymous and confidential posts will contribute to better outcomes for your patients and health care team, but also to those united in the common challenges of health care but separated by vast distances. Your posts won\t gather dust in an old filing cabinet, they\ll be shared with other folks like you, thousands of miles away, who can benefit from your knowledge and experience without suffering identical processes of trial and error.