Are you worried how to withdraw cash from your credit card without paying any additional charges? Do you want to transfer cash from credit card to your bank directly? Card to Cash is a 1st dedicated platform to send money from your credit card to bank account instantly. The app is designed keeping your cash needs in mind. It is an app that caters to all your day-to-day cash needs so that you can manage all your finances at one place, from cash transfers to paying credit card bills directly. There’s no transaction limit, subject to your available credit limit. In addition, the app accepts all credit card network payments and transactions. Users can send money across their bank accounts without any hassles. The app allows you to transfer cash from your credit card to any bank or card network instantly and hassle-free. App features & highlights: • Transfer from credit card to bank in just a click • Pay credit card bills from credit card instantly • Safe and secure payment getaway • Pay friend with credit card • Add money to e-wallet securely • Transfer cash from e-wallet to bank or credit card • Earn rewards on every successful transaction