Make managing your store and staff more systematic and easier than ever. With the FIXX Merchant application that will act as a secretary to help shops, automotive maintenance businesses and car care in managing the shop. Help increase customers through online channels. Help manage time allocation to receive services. as well as management of automotive spare parts orders in the future With functions that will make managing your store more convenient: - Employee management setting function Assign duties within the store exactly to the point. To provide more efficient service - Function to set the number of services that the store can support. For the convenience of managing customers in front of the store - sales history recording function, sales summary, booking amount, number of customers who come to use daily, weekly, monthly Payment amount from FIXX - Satisfaction review function from customers This will help as another decision to use the service for other new customers. Become a shop on FIXX today and get many privileges : - Make it easier for customers to find your shop through clear service tagging. And build awareness of your store with FIXX from our promotions and multi-channel advertising. - Earn more revenue from various FIXX campaigns . very talented Manage your store and increase your sales better. Start using FIXX Merchant today. If you have any further questions, please contact FIXX at 02-114-3339.
- 2023-03-23Update date
- Android Supported7.0
About FIXX Merchant 1.1.1
What's New in the Latest Version 1.1.1
Last updated on 2023-03-23
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Same like FIXX Merchant 1.1.1
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