In the haunted town of Severin, an evil ghost named Arbella Stuart has been terrorizing the residents for centuries. As the town\s only hope, you must use your strategic thinking skills to build and defend a series of towers against Arbella and her ghostly army. As you progress through the game, you will encounter a variety of ghostly enemies and powerful bosses, each with its own unique abilities and strengths. You must use your limited resources wisely to build the right mix of towers and defenses to keep the ghosts at bay. In the end, only your strategic thinking and determination will determine the fate of Severin. Will you rise to the challenge and save the town, or will you be defeated by the ghostly forces of Arbella? The choice is yours in this thrilling tower defense game.
- 2023-02-24Update date
- Android Supported5.0
About Haunted Tower TD 1.6.6
What's New in the Latest Version 1.6.6
Last updated on 2023-02-24
Fixed a couple of bugs with the game not resizing properly on some devices.
Additional Information
Requires Android
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