With Hemody you will be able to make calculations related to nursing, nephrology, ECMO and physiotherapy. Some of our Scores and calculators are: Clinical Scores: - Score SOFA. - Score POCAS. - Score HASBLED. - Score APACHE II. Physiotherapy: - Anthropometric variables: BMI, Ideal Weight, Adjusted Weight, body surface area. - Apnea test. - CO2 expected. - Yang-Tobin. - Oxygenation index. Nursing: - Calculation of hemodynamic variables in cardiovascular postoperatives with Swan Ganz catheter management. - Heparin anticoagulation protocol. - Anthropometric variables. Nephrology: - Cockcroft-Gault creatinine depletion. - MDRD-6 debugging ECMO: - Recirculation. - Oxygen transfer. For each of the calculators you will be able to find, in a downloadable way, the scientific article from which each of the formulas incorporated into the application was extracted. These calculators will help in specialized health care and critical care.