Hemody 574


About Hemody 574

With Hemody you will be able to make calculations related to nursing, nephrology, ECMO and physiotherapy. Some of our Scores and calculators  are: Clinical Scores: - Score SOFA. - Score POCAS. - Score HASBLED. - Score APACHE II. Physiotherapy: - Anthropometric variables: BMI, Ideal Weight, Adjusted Weight, body surface area. - Apnea test. - CO2 expected. - Yang-Tobin. - Oxygenation index. Nursing: - Calculation of hemodynamic variables in cardiovascular postoperatives with Swan Ganz catheter management. - Heparin anticoagulation protocol. - Anthropometric variables. Nephrology: - Cockcroft-Gault creatinine depletion. - MDRD-6 debugging ECMO: - Recirculation. - Oxygen transfer. For each of the calculators you will be able to find, in a downloadable way, the scientific article from which each of the formulas incorporated into the application was extracted. These calculators will help in specialized health care and critical care.

What's New in the Latest Version 574

Last updated on 2023-03-07
Actualización de interfases.

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