!!!! IMPORTANT NOTES!!!! 01. THE APPLICATION IS NOT RELEASED FOR ALL MUNICIPALITIES! VALIDATE IN YOUR HEALTH UNIT BEFORE DOWNLOADING. 02. Each Municipality defines which functions will be available to its citizens, that is, some functionalities may not appear in your application. Check in your Health Unit which ones are released. 03. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A REGISTRATION, YOU MUST REGISTER AT A HEALTH UNIT TO USE THE APPLICATION! In the Mais Saúde Cidadão application, patients can interact directly via the internet with their Health Department, which is a more agile way to provide for the well-being of the population. Find out what the Application can do for your Health Department: - Digital National Health Card (CNS) - Appointment scheduling. - Visualization of Exam Results. - Vaccination card. - Doctor's prescription. - Control of Schedules, Specialties and Consultations. - Waiting List for Consultations and Exams.