Meet7 is India’s first Video Speed Dating app. Meet7 provides its users a unique amalgamation of traditional Online Dating and Speed Dating. Users have two ways to find their right partner – Interact with Meet7 recommended matches or join Meet7 curated Speed Dating Events. Meet7 uses Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Process improvements to make sure Indians have the best, safest and most comfortable Online Dating Experience. Meet7 makes you meet people and not profiles. Following are the ways it is different from the others: - Experience a whole new Speed Dating paradigm blended with traditional Online Dating - Active curation to ensure Quality profiles on the Meet7 platform - CompQ feature for you to know yourself; Helps Meet7 recommend the best Speed Dating Event and Matches for you - Meet7 flagship feature KnowQ lets you know your matches better and makes your interactions exciting - Behavioral Scoring to ensure Happy Dating Experiences In a word (or two) – ‘Your Kind’ of people and not merely random profiles. Meet7 is free to use which makes it the best free dating app in India. As we described above, because of our processes and eye for details there are no fake profiles. Meet7 is a genuine dating app in India where you meet real people and make real interactions. MEET PEOPLE, NOT PROFILES - Go beyond profile pictures - Spend time vibing, not swiping - Instant virtual dates WE VERIFY EVERYONE - ‘Selfie’ verified profile pictures - Social Media Authentication - AI/ML driven verification process KILL DATING FATIGUE - Carefully selected matches - Guided Interactions - Fun games for the fun you CompQ is the Meet7 magic to know You through 5 simple questions. It assists Meet7 cupids to find the right matches for you - Answer 5 simple questions - Help us know You - Get best Matches for Yourself KnowQ is our flagship tool that helps You gauge how to take the conversation with Your potential partners forward. It is a list of 7 Questions across categories to understand different aspects about them; You can at any time modify the list of those Questions from our Question Bank Behavioral score is like a credit rating for Your perceived behavior/attitude on Meet7 platform. It is the Meet7 attempt to reward good behavior and keep the platform clean, safe, and secure for Women Meet7 understands the importance of the safety, security and privacy of your data and information very well. All Your information and data are end-to-end encrypted and cannot be accessed by anyone. It is also different from other platforms in that Your profile is not visible to others without at least minimal interaction.
- 2022-12-22Update date
- Android Supported10
About Meet7 - Online Dating App 1.0.13
What's New in the Latest Version 1.0.13
Last updated on 2022-12-22
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Same like Meet7 - Online Dating App 1.0.13
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