span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit HiClassTV Pentalk onScreen can be used easily by linking with the HiClassTV website. /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Share student screens of a href 3xpo 360 apk for android/ smart devices /a /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Teachers can share students screens in real time and check the status of students class participation. /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Smart TV integration and screen sharing /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit The teacher can share the student s smart device screen and the teacher s a href myvideofutur apk for android/ PC screen /a or camera video to the smart TV. /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Screen lock function /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Teachers can lock students smart device screens to control their use. /span /span