span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Widget that shows peak and plaque information on the desktop. /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Visualize when you have Peak and Plate and how much time is left before it starts or ends. /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Consult the Peak and Plate for the next 7 days. /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit It has information on holidays so you will know what day is a holiday and whether or not it applies depending on those dates. /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Note: Once the Widget is placed on the desktop it will update every minute. /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit IMPORTANT: /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit The a href smart compass for android apk for android/ application /a currently only works for the following cities: /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Bogot /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit If your city is not on the list, please do not qualify it negatively, saying that your city does not exist, since here it is indicating which cities it works for. /span span style vertical align: inherit thank you. /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit The application is distributed without any guarantee and we are not responsible for outdated information or any cause that may show non real information. /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit The application takes into account the hours of operation from the date and time of the device, so if any of this information is not correctly adjusted, it may show unreal information. /span /span