Developer: Meu radinho
Category: Music audio
span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Rede Jangadeiro is broadcast on the 88.9 FM frequency in the capital of Cear , Fortaleza. /span span style vertical align: inherit Here you will find a diversified and quality program, with music, a href sexy girl video chatlive talk apk for android/ entertainment /a and information for all tastes. /span span style vertical align: inherit Jangadeiro is part of the Jangadeiro Communication System, led by businessman Tasso Jereissati. /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit Tune in to 88.9 FM on your radio or download our app /span /span span style vertical align: inherit span style vertical align: inherit ATTENTION: We have no affiliation with the radio, nor with its owners. /span span style vertical align: inherit We are an independent application developed by fans of this a href 1075 wbls radio station ny apk for android/ station /a . /span /span