Santorini is a highly accessible pure strategy game where you build your way to victory! All the Gods are now Unlocked - The Pantheon pack is now included in the base game. How to play: 1) MOVE one of your Workers. You can move up a maximum of one level. 2) BUILD a block with your moved Worker. Build domes on the third level. 3) WIN if your Worker reaches the third level! Features: • Game altering variable player powers completely change how you play, bringing massive replayability. • Beautifully rendered 3D play area • Adventure through the land of Santorini in the single player Odyssey mode • Play with a friend in pass-and-play or online game modes • Already own the boardgame? Use the \Helper\ to select gods to play in the physical board game, and log your matches • Dare to challenge the insanely skilled \Godlike\ AI level • Watch tutorials on all the god powers! • Fully orchestrated sound track Santorini includes 59 characters selected from the original board game, the Golden Fleece expansion and the Underworld promotional characters.