Download TULU: your smart rental�store 11.22 Apk for android

Download TULU: your smart rental store 11.22 Apk for android

Developer:  Tulu ltd

Category:   House and home

TULU units are a fantastic new amenity that provide easy and affordable product rentals and items for purchase from the convenience of your own building. TULU is equipped with IoT to track usage, availability, and customer satisfaction, ensuring that both quality and stock are kept at high levels. The outcome: Save space in your apartment by renting a vacuum cleaner, electric scooter or an at home theater projector. TULU allows you to remove clutter with on demand access encouraging more responsible consumption while reducing the cost and increasing the convenience of city living in smaller spaces. The TULU unit will soon become the amenity you can t live without. Whether in your apartment building, office or neighborhood, the TULU app will allow you to get access to products you need. You decide whether to get items immediately or to reserve and book in advance so products are waiting for you. Start using TULU today.

TULU: your smart rental store 11.22 Specifications

  • Version: 11.22
  • Requires: Android : 6.0
  • Package Name: :
  • Whats New: Weve been working extremely hard to make this version 10X better Performance No more cursing the app Bug fixing Lets talk about more important stuff on the new chat function More information about the products Now youll know what games actually come with the PS4 Even smoother and easier printing Email login to make sign in short and sweet History of your activities so you can see how much youre saving using TULU
  • Updated: 2024-08-25
  • File size: : -
  • Ratting : -
  • Price: Free